I went home for break just a week after my wreck, found out that my car was totaled and was reimbursed my the insurance company. Amazingly, I got $300 more than what I paid for the car even after the deductible ha ha. So Michael's dad was kind enough to lend my an extra car he had, so I could have a little more time to reevaluate my car situation. So I am now the proud driver of a hunter green boneville. Oh yes my friends I can sit six seat-belted people in my sedan. Ha ha ha. Hey I'm grateful I'm not down here without a car.
So as you all figured out I am back in Los Angeles going to school starting in on my sophomore perio block and restorations classes! I'm so excited to get started into some real dental work. At least on back mouths with rubber cheeks and extracted teeth for now ;)
But, the most exciting part was that I got my engagement photos! Here are a few of them, most of my favorites are when we aren't looking at the camera. I really like my photographer, Jessica Kettle (Jenni thanks for the suggestion). Her style is great!
If you are interested in seeing all our shots send me an e-mail and I'll forward you the link!