So lets catch everybody up. I am now here in Los Angeles. Its a beautiful place, weather is just perfect! Downside, there are way too many freeways. I come from a place where we have the I-15. If you are off to the Airport it's the I-215 west and if you are off to Park City it's the I-215 east. That's it. Here we have the 110 (Harbor Freeway), I-10, 405, 605, 5, I-15 and more I'm sure. There are three freeway entrances within 5 blocks of my home in three different directions all going to different freeways! I can't handle it, good thing I don't have a car yet and my roomie has a GPS.
Tomorrow I am starting in on my first day at USC School of Dentistry tomorrow. I am on the eve of what feels both like the day of execution or the night before the happiest day of my life. I'm not quite sure which on is going to win out. This Sunday was my first experience with the singles ward here. Much different from the Y. There are very few people here still in school, most have careers. I think my favorite was seeing a guy from BYU who is also going to USC Dentistry with his arm in a sling at church today! What a way to start of Dental school right? Good thing we aren't jumping right in to tooth carving and fillings.
Also shown above is my most favorite purchase of the summer, my new purse! The ragged one (the satchel bag I used as a purse) you all saw me carry around for ages is.....well still here I refuse to throw it away BUT is slowly being replaced by this classy bag. I have wanted this particular bag for a very long time and waited for the right moment to purchase it- on sale! Ha ha ha. Love it.
That's one thing that I'm still not used to about Utah, is that there is only ONE highway! No wonder traffic is always bad, you have NO OPTIONS to get around to places. That is definitely not the norm.
ReplyDeleteLove the purse. And YEAH for dental school. I think I bawled my eyes out the night before I started!! Dental school is scary, I won't lie, but it is totally worth it. You can do it!!!