So I just noticed that I had posted a title of my last post and no commentary! Wow-midterms must have racked my brain ha ha ha. Here was my set up for my occlusion midterm. Yes that is an artificial mouth (typodont) on my text book. During midterms week I was so lost in preparing and taking my exams that one night I was nearing my door and started pushing the 'unlock' button on my car took me a while to realize that my car keys infact would not unlock my front door no matter how many times I pushed that button. Luckily no one else was in the hallway.
For my birthday my grandma came down and took Michael and me to Disneyland. If anyone knows my Grandma you'll know that her favorite part of any trip is pictures! Love her. Here are some of our favorites.

Some of our final moments with grandma where last minute pictures. You can't miss the institute Melissa was blessed in. Good thing it was right down the street from my dental school. We bought these glasses on a trip out at Venice Beach. Michael loves his and wears them all the time like they are a perscription. I've decided I only whip mine out on special occasions ha ha ha. I'll stick with the contacts. I hope to post more soon.
Ta ta for now.
oh man. I hope you are enjoying centric relation ppts. Looks like a good study zone! How fun, I didn't know you guys went to Disney Land. Did Grandma ride all the roller coasters? I'm glad she took lots of pictures!!