Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween and Haircuts

Hey everyone,
So this Halloween was a new experience for me. At the request of the group mates at the dental school I went to the Delta Sigma Frat party. It was way fun to see my fellow dental students out of their scrubs! The girl next to me is Swati and the one in the devil horns is Dana. They are two girls in my group that are so cute and sweet. I love them! I even got a wrist band to designate that I was old enough to drink. A friend of mine thought it was funny I got a wrist band and am not a drinker. I jokingly told him it must have been in case someone asked me to hold their beer for them. He laughed proceeded to hand me his beer and didn't take it back. I was so redf faced. I returned it as quickly as he would take it back.

So new hair cut. I decided that I was in desperate need of a haircut when I got a handful of broken ends when I ran my fingers through my hair (terrible I know). So, I went to Alice, a close friend at dental school to ask who her stylist was. She proceeded to tell me that she had a stylist that cut asian hair, which was different from caucasian hair. Ha ha ha. Okay guess I was on my own. I ended up at a salon downtown. It was beautiful and my stylist did a great job on everything except my bangs. Apparently pictures aren't enough for people sometimes. I wanted long bangs. I warned her my hair was naturally curly. She cut them barely long enough and then blew dry my curled. Upon looking at myself in the mirror I reminded myself of my second cousin Beth after she cut her own bangs! Yes, it was bad. I walked home SO embarrassed. After restyling them myself they don't look terrible. I still feel like I'm at best ten, but that's what you get when you want something different right? My roommates have assured they are cute, and Michael loves them. I guess I'll have to give them a second chance in a couple of days.

Ta ta for now.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So I am an absolutely terrible blogger. But this next week is midterms! AH! It consists of three days of testing. Luckily I am in a C cell which means I get to be tested on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and get Thursday and Friday off! Wahoo!
So midterms is broken down into 3 parts, MCQ (multiple choice questions) COMBOT (computer based testing) and T3 (Triple Jump) MCQ are going to be no problem (besides they fact that they are going to cover more material than I have ever had to cover on one exam before in my life!) COMBOT is what is scaring me a little bit. They flash pictures on a screen in front of you and give you a minute to identify the picture and label the arrows. If could be the anatomy of the heart, histology of the esophagus wall, or the anatomy of the head and neck. It could even be the brain and the cranial nerves. This is all very nerve racking (no pun intended). So you ask why am I on my blog NOW when I should be studying for all of this. GOod question. I thought I would just let you all know I was insanely busy :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"2 months is far to long to go with out a post" -Gina

So lets catch everybody up. I am now here in Los Angeles. Its a beautiful place, weather is just perfect! Downside, there are way too many freeways. I come from a place where we have the I-15. If you are off to the Airport it's the I-215 west and if you are off to Park City it's the I-215 east. That's it. Here we have the 110 (Harbor Freeway), I-10, 405, 605, 5, I-15 and more I'm sure. There are three freeway entrances within 5 blocks of my home in three different directions all going to different freeways! I can't handle it, good thing I don't have a car yet and my roomie has a GPS.
Tomorrow I am starting in on my first day at USC School of Dentistry tomorrow. I am on the eve of what feels both like the day of execution or the night before the happiest day of my life. I'm not quite sure which on is going to win out. This Sunday was my first experience with the singles ward here. Much different from the Y. There are very few people here still in school, most have careers. I think my favorite was seeing a guy from BYU who is also going to USC Dentistry with his arm in a sling at church today! What a way to start of Dental school right? Good thing we aren't jumping right in to tooth carving and fillings.
Also shown above is my most favorite purchase of the summer, my new purse! The ragged one (the satchel bag I used as a purse) you all saw me carry around for ages is.....well still here I refuse to throw it away BUT is slowly being replaced by this classy bag. I have wanted this particular bag for a very long time and waited for the right moment to purchase it- on sale! Ha ha ha. Love it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Hair

Recently I got bored and died my hair. It came out unexpectedly dark. I now resemble Snow White. My mother kindly asked today if I want to add lighten it up. Then there is my boyfriend who absolutely loves it. Oh why did I even bother to die it. Curse my dishwater blond hair. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Joys of Being Home

Being home brings with it all the fun quirks and randomness that you forgot about shortly after leaving home. Why? Maybe because those things where not quirky and random-since they are all you knew growing up and you supposed them to me normal. Now that you have moved away and then returned you realized that waking up with your entire family kneeling around your twin size bed with your father saying. "Fold your arms Melissa, we need to say family prayer!" isn't exactly normal. Among other abnormalities that belong in family life was my mothers recent purchase at her school's silent auction. She bid on three gift certificates to get family western photos as Lagoon. Much to our surprise her bid won! So, last Saturday the family and Mike jumped into the Suburban and took family Westerns. 

One of my mothers proudest moments was when she saw her boys in a bath tub with bullets across their chests, her BYU graduate wrapped up in an American flag, and her baby holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. What a moment to record in our family history! Honestly she was SO embarrassed she turned around and got involved with the other family taking pictures in cowboy outfits.  

Friday, May 8, 2009

Far more complicated than facebook.....

It is my last day of work and after reading the tender notes in the goodbye card I came upon Gina's gentle prompt, "Like I've said before now would be a REALLY good time to start a blog!" So I caved and had her help me start a blog. 20 minutes and 10 backgrounds later I have settle on this background, not fully satisfied that is expresses the inner workings of Melissa but way too tired to keep looking at webpage after webpage of free blog backgrounds. If I kept it up any longer I might have chosen the one with ducks on it....I only have to change my picture on facebook......

The beginning of my blogging life...

Hey all,
Leaving BYU I have been coerced into creating a blog spot so all my non-facebook using friends can keep up on my life.
So far I graduated, as evident in this pictures (Lisa, I'm sorry it does not say proof ;) ) and am headed home for the Summer to Farmington Ut.
In August I am off to the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. YiphEe!