Saturday, October 17, 2009


So I am an absolutely terrible blogger. But this next week is midterms! AH! It consists of three days of testing. Luckily I am in a C cell which means I get to be tested on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and get Thursday and Friday off! Wahoo!
So midterms is broken down into 3 parts, MCQ (multiple choice questions) COMBOT (computer based testing) and T3 (Triple Jump) MCQ are going to be no problem (besides they fact that they are going to cover more material than I have ever had to cover on one exam before in my life!) COMBOT is what is scaring me a little bit. They flash pictures on a screen in front of you and give you a minute to identify the picture and label the arrows. If could be the anatomy of the heart, histology of the esophagus wall, or the anatomy of the head and neck. It could even be the brain and the cranial nerves. This is all very nerve racking (no pun intended). So you ask why am I on my blog NOW when I should be studying for all of this. GOod question. I thought I would just let you all know I was insanely busy :)