Monday, July 19, 2010

Time Lines

In 2/12 hours I will be taking my Head and Neck Anatomy midterm
In 4 days I will be taking an Amalgam midterm.
In 6 days Michael and I will start are lease on our future apartment.
In 11 days Michael will move out to Los Angeles.
In 21 days I will start finals week.
In 25 days I will officially have finished my freshman year of dental school.

In 32 days Michael and I will be married in the Salt Lake Temple.
I can't wait for the start of a new adventure with my sweetheart.

Ta ta for now.


  1. sounds like a busy month! Good luck on all your tests, and see you in 32 days!! yay!

  2. And then you'll get to relax into your new life in summer. Awwweee.
